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Who am I?

Atuatanga flying through underground

I’m a solo indie dev who loves creating fun and engaging games over a wide variety of genres!
As well as creating my own projects, I also collaborate through freelance work.

I have grown up as a gamer, mashing controller buttons before I could even walk. Over the years I’ve played games of all shapes and sizes, and continue to be enthralled by these worlds that are created for us from ones and zeroes.

I have always enjoyed the unique feeling of interactivity and immersion that games bring to the entertainment industry. I make games so I can create and spread those moments of awe, wonder, intrigue, and inspiration that have captivated me since my very first time “playing” Spyro on the PS1.

From a young age I was extremely fascinated by the behind the scenes work that went into making movies and video games. The amazing ways technology was being used to bring us the media we consumed. It was, and still is, magical to me. I started making stop-motion films when I was only seven, and it didn’t take me long to want to create things without being limited to what I could achieve within the physical world just using action figures and a camera. This led me to investigating the digital world further; starting with learning 3D animation in blender. And that’s when I stumbled into the Blender game engine.

I instantly loved the feeling of dragging bits of code around to make things work. From then on I started exploring as many different game engines as I could. In my spare time you’d find me either playing games, or making them! Fast forward a few more years and I created my first “full” game in Unreal Engine 4 as my final degree project. I also spent a few extra months working on it after completing my degree, and then I uploaded “Invisibility Sucks” onto!

After that I spent some time building up my portfolio with a lot more small personal projects while also getting a job in retail. During that time I managed to land a couple of freelance gigs on the side, and one of them inspired me to take a bit of a risk and make a leap of faith into freelancing full time. So now I’m here! Writing this probably way too long “about” section that you’ve either been crazy enough to read all of, or you’ve just skipped to reading the last part for some reason, which is also crazy (seriously who does that??).

So yeah, that’s me. Pretty much your standard nerdy freelance game developer, ha-ha.
Thanks for stopping by!


Invisibility Sucks boy running away from guard
Raise The Dead forklift accident standing
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